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Pred 14 rokmi, 1 Mesiacmi
valus (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 51
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Ahojte chcem si kupit neopren som zaciatocnik, najlepsie keby som ho nemusel pri obliekani mydlit,trosku odolnejsi z vonku,takze nemusi super klzat pretekat nebudem a aby v nom nebolo velmi zima oproti open cell. Vcera som pisal do eliosu a dnes mi poslali ponuku.
Vedeli by ste mi trochu v tom poradit,ci ten vnutorny potah lining inside alebo coating cell sa rychlo nevyderie, lebo vraj niektore su len nejake nastreky alebo ktory z tych vsetkych by sa vam zdal vhodny nato co som pisal.


Mna zaujali tieto:

1) Suit 5mm New Black coating cell inside / Nylon elastic Black or blue
outside (see photo 0169) Neoprene Heiwa Price Euro 255,00 (see photo 0132)
This is the Top-model for freediving, very elastic, warmth, aderent to the
body, durable with lining outside and good also for deep divings, but also
very slippery to get into.

5) Suit 5mm Thermic Pile inside / Kanoko superstetch antitears outside Black
Neoprene Heiwa soft Price Euro 235,00 It's an ultra-soft rubber,
super-stretch, very very comfortable and very very durable with kanoko
reinforced lining outside, and also very very easy to get into like a

a z drahsich tento
2) Suit 5mm Black coating cell inside / Nylon Camouflage Brown& Green
outside (see photo Carlos) neoprene Heiwa Price Euro 285,00 This is the
top-model for spearfishing, perfect also for deep divings, warmth, durable,
comfortable and also very slippery to get into.

Dole je ich cela ponuka:

FIRST: You want a tailor made suit, to use for freedivings, complete of
jacket closed with hood incorporated + high waist pants, 5mm thickness.

SECOND: Your preferences are for:
- Camo or black outside
- Thermal protection
- Elasticity
- Durability (in this case the lining outside is necessary)
- Easy to wear (in this case the coating cell or lining inside are the best)


1) Suit 5mm gold coating cell inside / Nylon Camouflage Brown/Black/Grey
outside (see photo Stone) neoprene Yamamoto 45 Price Euro 325,00 It's the
> Exclusive Camouflage for Elios, an High Quality product for spearfishing,
super comfortable, super slippery to get into, very very elastic and very
2) Suit 5mm Black coating cell inside / Nylon Camouflage Brown& Green
outside (see photo Carlos) neoprene Heiwa Price Euro 285,00 This is the
top-model for spearfishing, perfect also for deep divings, warmth, durable,
comfortable and also very slippery to get into.

3) Suit 5mm Titanium coating cell inside / Nylon Camouflage yellow-Green
outside (see photo New Mimetic) neoprene Nam Liong Price Euro 245,00
This is a very good neoprene for spearfishing in shallow waters, very very
comfortable, ultra-soft, aderent to the body and very slippery to get into.

4) Suit 5mm nylon elastic green inside / Nylon Camouflage yellow-Green
outside (see photo New Mimetic) neoprene Nam Liong Price Euro 225,00 It's
the ultimate product for spearfishing near the rocks, very comfortable,
soft, very very durable, very comfortable and reversible. (can wear on boh

5) Suit 5mm superelastic lining inside / Lycra Camouflage Red-Green outside
(see photo Camo reef) neoprene Sheico Price Euro 245,00 It's the ultimate
product for spearfishing near the rocks, very very easy to wear like a
t-shirt, very comfortable and durable.

6) Suit 5mm nylon elastic green inside / Nylon Camouflage Brown/Black/Grey
outside (see photo Stone) neoprene Yamamoto 45 Price Euro 295,00 It's the
latest Exclusive Camouflage for Elios, an High Quality product for
spearfishing, super comfortable, super-soft, very elastic and easy to wear
without lubes and reversible. (can wear on both side)

7) Suit 5mm superelastic lining inside / Lycra Camouflage Blue-Green outside
(see photo Blue Reef) neoprene Sheico Price Euro 245,00 It's the ultimate
product for spearfishing in the open water, very very easy to wear like a
t-shirt, very comfortable and durable.

...and black versions:

1) Suit 5mm New Black coating cell inside / Nylon elastic Black or blue
outside (see photo 0169) Neoprene Heiwa Price Euro 255,00 (see photo 0132)
This is the Top-model for freediving, very elastic, warmth, aderent to the
body, durable with lining outside and good also for deep divings, but also
very slippery to get into.


2) Suit 5mm Superelastic lining inside / Superstretch Blue or black lining
outside Neoprene Heiwa soft density Price Euro 245,00 it's the most elastic
suit in the world, super-soft, super-comfortable, easy to wear like a
t-shirt and durable.


3) Suit 5mm Open cell inside / Nylon stretch Black outside Neoprene Ecoline
Price Euro 175,00 it's a classic freediving suit, perfect for shallow
divings, very very soft neoprene, very comfortable, warmth and aderent to
the body, but for get into must use always talkum or water-saop.


4) Suit 5mm Titanium coating cell inside / Nylon stretch Black outside (see
photo Titanium) Neoprene Ecoline Price Euro 205,00 it's a classic freediving
suit, perfect for shallow divings, very very soft neoprene, very
comfortable, warmth and aderent to the body, but also very slippery to get

5) Suit 5mm Thermic Pile inside / Kanoko superstetch antitears outside Black
Neoprene Heiwa soft Price Euro 235,00 It's an ultra-soft rubber,
super-stretch, very very comfortable and very very durable with kanoko
reinforced lining outside, and also very very easy to get into like a

6) Suit 5mm gold coating cell inside / Nylon stretch Grey outside Neoprene
Yamamoto 45 Price Euro 295,00 it's a super-soft rubber, very elastic,
warmth, aderent to the body, perfect for divings around 30/50mts, durable
and very very slippery to get into.

7) Suit 5mm Nylon elastic blue or green inside / Nylon stretch Black outside
Neoprene Ecoline Price Euro 175,00 it's the base model for freediving suit,
perfect for shallow divings, very very soft neoprene, very comfortable, easy
to wear like a t-shirt, very durable and also reversible.

8) Suit 5mm Thermic Plus inside / Nylon stretch Black or Dark blue outside
(see photo Dark Blue) Neoprene Ecoline Price Euro 195,00 it's a classic
freediving suit, perfect for shallow divings, very very soft neoprene, very
comfortable, warmth, comfortable and durable.
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Pred 14 rokmi, 1 Mesiacmi
stady (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 301
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
Caves, Valus posli mi do PM ( Personal Message ) to je jeden z tych obdlznikov, co mame pod fotkou TVOJ MAIL. Chcem Ta o nieco poziadat.
K Tvojej extremne obsirnej otazke ( asi si dosiahol maximum znakov kto tu kedy vlozil ) by podla mna bolo lepsie stretnutie. Predpokladam, ze po jednej odpovedi by nasledovalo 10 otazok. Takze ak chces zajtra budem zase na Gulaske a mozem Ti zobrat ukazat nejake vzorky neoprenov, aby si vedel do coho ides. Inak z toho co si tu popisal, resp. co ti z ELIOSu odpovedali sa mi zda ze inovovali ale aj podrazeli.
Osobne si myslim, ze zabojuj s tym lubrikantom a verzia s vnutornym zaterom a vonkajsim liningom bude na zaciatok pre Teba idealna. Ono to "mydlenie " nie je zas tak zle ak ide o vysledny tepelny efekt. Nuz ale co clovek to nazor .... ze?


Zaverom pani a damy pribuda zaujemcov, tak sa dajte dokopy nech vas vyjde ta doprava lacnejsie !!
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Pred 14 rokmi, 1 Mesiacmi
Adam (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 76
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
Takze zaujemcov o oblek nas zacina byt celkom dost (Maurin,valus,ja ..snad aj dalsi) Takze by som rad poprosil menovanych,aj nemenovanych nech zacnu riesit svoje poziadavky ohladom ..materiau,hrubky,density (ohybnosti),vonkajsieho prevedenia,vnutorneho prevedenia

predpokladam ze kazdy bude mat asi kombinaciu spodok:high waist pants+vrch: incorporated hood.

Letne norenie s tym uz asi nestihneme,ale ak do toho naozaj chceme investvat,myslim ze je zbytocne cakat
Ak som napisal nejaku blbost ohladne parametrov obleku,opravte ma.Dakujem
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Pred 14 rokmi, 1 Mesiacmi
valus (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 51
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
Ja si zoberiem complete of jacket closed with hood incorporated + high waist pants, 5mm thickness
bud modry:

1) Suit 5mm New Black coating cell inside / Nylon elastic Black or blue
outside (see photo 0169) Neoprene Heiwa Price Euro 255,00 (see photo 0132)
This is the Top-model for freediving, very elastic, warmth, aderent to the
body, durable with lining outside and good also for deep divings, but also
very slippery to get into.

alebo cierny

5) Suit 5mm Thermic Pile inside / Kanoko superstetch antitears outside Black
Neoprene Heiwa soft Price Euro 235,00 It's an ultra-soft rubber,
super-stretch, very very comfortable and very very durable with kanoko
reinforced lining outside, and also very very easy to get into like a

complete of jacket closed with hood incorporated + high waist pants, 5mm thickness.

Tak sa mi prosim ozvite zaujemcovia o suit a dame sa nejako do kopy.

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Pred 14 rokmi, 1 Mesiacmi
stady (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 301
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
No k tej 1) nemam komentar , a ta 5) sa vraj da obliekat z oboch stran, akurat ta zelena kanoko vyzera ch..o. A inu farbu kanoko nemaju. Ale podla ich info je to to najpevnejsie a zaroven najpruznejsie co maju. A kedze to nikto na Slovensku nema a aj ja som o tom uvazoval, vrelo Ti to narcisticky doporucujem

V nasich studenych zelenych vodach budes Mr. Invisible.

Btw. Omer vyraba zelene masky a zelene plutvy.

Ale ako Ta pod vodou najdeme? Uz viem ponozky sa zelene nevyrabaju !!
Posledná úprava: 2010/08/25 23:25 upravil stady.
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Pred 14 rokmi, 1 Mesiacmi
FeroF1 (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 134
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
Vzdy sa moc spekluluje s neopremni ... treba dat na klasiku co je odskusana ...v podstate sa pouzivaju len dva ci 3 typy u nas v STF...s liningom a bez.SMothskin a supershothskin ...opencell z vnutra a medium par variant s tymi coatingami vo vnutri ale myslim ze je to zbytocne. Open cell uplne staci.
Nevyznam sa v tom moc ale vzdy sa okolo toho moc nakeca ...:-D
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Pred 14 rokmi, 1 Mesiacmi
valus (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 51
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
Ta 5) je iba jednostranna a chcem sa vyhnut mydleniu,tak preto ma zaujala. Na verziu 1) treba trochu mydlenia.

Obojstranne varianty maju tiez

About reversible suit, these are two models:

- Suit 5mm Nylon elastic Green inside / Nylon elastic Black outside Neoprene
Ecoline soft density Price Euro 175,00 This is the base model for
freediving, elastic, soft, durable and also reversible.

- Suit 5mm Nylon elastic Green inside / Smoothskin Black outside neoprene
heiwa Medium density Price Euro 215,00 This is very used from
Scuba&Freedivers, because can use it with smoothskin outside for freediving
and with nylon outside for others needs. (see photo 4)
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Pred 14 rokmi, 1 Mesiacmi
flipps (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 331
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
Dúfam že raz takáto obsiahla debata bude aj v téme vyrovnavania tlaku
Môžem mat neopren the best one pokial nebude človek vedieť vyrovnať tak mi nepomôže ani neopren za 8656€

A kým sa človek naučí trochu potapat tak pár neoprenov zakupi... On ten neopren nie je navždy
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Pred 14 rokmi, 1 Mesiacmi
juraj k (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 162
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
myslim, ze nie je lepsi ca na jednu otazocku.
kto ma prosim vas lepidielko? nasiel som si trhlinku na rukave
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Pred 14 rokmi, 1 Mesiacmi
oboy (Užívateľ)
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Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
Ja mam

Veru pravda Flippko, mudro vravis!
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