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maros (Užívateľ)
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Neopreny dorazili !
Odpustenie je prejavom sily, pomsta je prejavom slabosti a ziarlivost je priznanim vlastnej bezmocnosti.
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borka (Užívateľ)
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maros napísal:
Neopreny dorazili ! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

...nemozne sa stalo skutocnostou!!! zazrak
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Pred 15 rokmi, 9 mesiacmi
maros (Užívateľ)
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FYI pridavam obycajnu excelovsku tabulku cez ktoru objednavam Eliosy. Treba to dodat vyplnene takto, aby nemali milion patsto dodatocnych otazok.
Súborová príloha:
Názov súboru: SFT_miery.xls
Veľkosť súboru: 22528
Posledná úprava: 2008/10/07 17:06 upravil maros.
Odpustenie je prejavom sily, pomsta je prejavom slabosti a ziarlivost je priznanim vlastnej bezmocnosti.
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Pred 15 rokmi, 9 mesiacmi
brco (Admin)
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pre vsetkych novych co si chcu vybrat neopren a nahodou prehliadli tuto sekciu na strankach Eliosu...


1. Ask yourself what you will use the suit for. Competition? Training? Pool? Outdoor? Depth? Can you afford two suits? Can you afford changing suit every two years?

2. Choose type of NEOPRENE: Neoprene are made by different manufacturers (Heiwa, Yamamoto…) – they all have slightly different qualities. Heiwa is said to be more durable. Yamamoto more stretchable.

3. Choose QUALITY OF NEOPRENE. ECOLINE is somewhat cheaper. NEOFLEX professional is somewhat better and slightly more expensive.

4. Choose DENSITY of neoprene. Light, medium or heavy density. The more density the more durable but less flexibility. Heavy density also doesn’t get as much compressed in the deep. It is said among freedivers that there is very little buoyancy change even in medium density.

5. Choose THICKNESS of suit. The thicker the warmer. The thinner the more flexible. Don’t worry about getting to warm – If so, just let water enter the suit. A thicker suit will change more in buoyancy at depth – compared to a thin suit.

6. OUTSIDE LINING If you freedive outdoor for recreation/training you need to protect the open cell smoothskin from cliffs. You need a outside lining. With smoothskin open cell you will glide more (competition) but it gets thorn more easily.

7. INSIDE LINING. Without lining (open cell) the suit will stick to your body (therefore enhance warmness) and be more flexible, BUT you will need lubrication (schampoo) to get into it. To avoid this you can choose a coating. A coating will make it slide more easily onto your body but you will loose the advantages of open cell. Coating is NOT a lining. If you need more durability then choose an inner lining. Most coatings are made to reflect heat.


- A common solution for freedivers is Heiwa medium density with an inner coating. If competing choose smoothskin on the outside, if training in wear and tear environment choose an outer lining.

- You cannot combine a stretchy inner lining with a more rigid outer lining and vice versa.

- Don’t try to buy one suit that will do two things for you.

- You can choose different linings and thicknesses on your jacket and trousers.

- You can buy an extra jacket that is thicker for winter freediving.

Facts about Eliossub materials

Yamamoto 45, ultra soft, ultra comfortable, but more delicate but not as much resistant to compression in the deep.

Heiwa, very elastic, warm and resistant to compression.

Ecoline, elastic, soft and cheaper but not as high quality.

FREEDOWN is a new neoprene made in Smoothskin slide on the outside. This is the best neoprene for deep competition dives. It is the fastest suit we make. And it is even more durable than different coatings.

Titanium (first generation)- the cheapest coating.

Gold coating (the second generation) warmer and more resistant to wear and tear.

Black Coating (the last generation) warm, durable and easy to get into.

Copper coating and the new Black coating, is a painting put over smoothskin (not over open cell), so is very very easy to wear and slide into. But it is a little less elastic and little less adherent to the body.

GOLD, BLACK and COPPER coating are the most expensive, also because they are combined with Neoflex professional neoprene.


Superelastic is the best stretch nylon in the world, very easy to wear and very very comfortable. It's available with smoothskin outside or with other superelastic outer linings (all these are more expensive)

Thermic plush is the classic solution, resistant, easy to wear and warm (this is the cheapest).

Thermic pile is a new lining, little less hairy, but ultra stretchy and warm (used by scubadivers and people that want an elastic but resistant suit).

Lycra is a lining, used by scubadivers because it has very bright colors and also by spearfishers because it is more durable against tears and cutting (but it's little less elastic!)

Anti-tear is a special brush-nylon that is very very resistant, used for people who work under water.

Shark-skin is made with rubber (like smoothskin) but the surface is made with "Scales".
It's more resistant than classic smoothskin but less slide in the water.

Kanoko is a new fabric, more elastic than classic nylon standard, and more durable. Used by freedivers that want a more durable suit but also a stretchable suit.
This suit will last longer.
Posledná úprava: 2008/09/19 13:31 upravil brco.
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Pred 15 rokmi, 9 mesiacmi
juraj k (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 162
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa

a ako postupujete pri obliekani inner open cell? tu smyklavu pomuocku myslim. to mate zriedeny kondicioner? kolko si ho nafrkate dovnutra? po vyzleceni tu "vec" zmyvate z neoprenu?
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Pred 15 rokmi, 9 mesiacmi
Zemo (Admin)
Príspevky: 417
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na obliekanie su dve metody:
1. nariedis si trochu kondicioneru s vodou dopredu do flase, kazdy preferuje ine mnozstvo, tak pol litra tekutiny je bezne potrebne na jedno pouzitie

2. nastriekas si priamo trochu kondicionera do obleku, naberes tam vodu a zamiesas priamo v obleku

potom to cele rozlejes po celom obleku - najskor vrch a potom prelejes do nohavic.

vyzlieka sa to vacsinou vo vode, takze si to hned preplachnes. zvycajne je to uz aj tak viac alebo menej zriedene priehladnou tekutinou s vysokym obsahom amoniaku
"Some people were lucky enough to be born smart, while others were even smarter and got born lucky"
Ed Seykota
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Pred 15 rokmi, 9 mesiacmi
maros (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 501
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
Posielam objednavku na Elios neopreny pre tychto ludi:

Alexa, Gabo, Stano, Fero

dufam, ze su to vsetci

ceny oznamim podla toho co mi Eliosaci napisu
Odpustenie je prejavom sily, pomsta je prejavom slabosti a ziarlivost je priznanim vlastnej bezmocnosti.
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Pred 15 rokmi, 9 mesiacmi
stanoTN (Návštevník)

Dátum narodenia:
to maros :...nenasiel som tu ziadny odkaz na sukromne spravy, tak ti verejne posielam odkaz,ze koruny na tvoj ucet som poslal dnes rano... podla prepoctu je to 7500 Sk. Daj mi prosim vediet ked nedorazia, ked ich mas tak je vsetko OK.
  Administrátor zablokoval prístup pre neregistrovaných.
Pred 15 rokmi, 9 mesiacmi
maros (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 501
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
Odpustenie je prejavom sily, pomsta je prejavom slabosti a ziarlivost je priznanim vlastnej bezmocnosti.
  Administrátor zablokoval prístup pre neregistrovaných.
Pred 15 rokmi, 9 mesiacmi
maros (Užívateľ)
Príspevky: 501
Uživateľ je Offline Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie profilu užívateľa
Platbu som odoslal, dufam ze peniaze od Stana a Juraja mi dojdu ..dovtedy sponzorujem ja.
Odpustenie je prejavom sily, pomsta je prejavom slabosti a ziarlivost je priznanim vlastnej bezmocnosti.
  Administrátor zablokoval prístup pre neregistrovaných.
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